Tuesday, May 09, 2006

That Small Children Were Really Quite Evil

The past week or two has had more ups and downs than ........anything (to say a rollercoaster would be too predictable and I can't think of anything else) so I thought maybe this is a good place to vent and gloat .... I don't like the word gloat- heres words you can use instead of gloat celebrate, crow*, exult, glory, hee-haw, horse laugh, rejoice, relish, revel in, triumph, vaunt, whoop*, blow one's own horn, congratulate oneself, boast, brag, crow, grandstand, hug oneself, pat oneself on the back, toot one's own horn, advertise, aggrandize, attract attention, blow, bluster, bullshit, bully, crow, exaggerate, exult, fake, flatter oneself, flaunt, flourish, gasconade, gloat, glory, grandstand*, hug oneself*, jive*, prate, preen, psych*, puff*, shoot*, shovel*, show off, showboat*, shuck*, sling*, sound off, strut, swagger, talk big*, triumph, vapor* I could go on but won't, the word gloat reminds me of a swollen goat anyway.......

Bad Things
-one of my favourite people left work and it's going to SUCK without him
-my uncle died which is bad but good because he isn't suffering any more
-someone else at work is just doing everything wrong and everybodsy else is copping shit for it
-today was an assesment at school and I... woke up late, forgot essential equipment, got sold a MEAT FILLED PRODUCT OF MEATY DEATH when I was told it was not a MEAT FILLED PRODUCT OF MEATY DEATH, forgot my hat and had to walk 10 minutes back to my car which I wouldn't have minded but I was already late, had to do the assesment in a room that is not accomodating to chocolate tempering ( airconditioning, no hot water, no stove top, limited bench space)
-kind of had an argument with a friend which I'm only just getting over
-am still driving the retarded red car
-had to go to the doctors which included getting poked in the ribs, having to pee in a cup, GETTING POKED IN THE RIBS, and concluded with her telling me I have to have an ultrasound
- I have two pieces of work due tomorrow which I haven't looked at yet ( I really haven't)

Good Things
-I got A's for my sugar and chocolate assesments and 'excellents' for my written work which I kind of feel bad for because I did them the night before but hey I did them
-my uncles funeral which was really really sad (really really) but also good because I got to see all of the family that I don't really ever see
-saw my cousin Jordan who is 5 and EVIL, seriously, he told me: to go home and piss my pants, that when he grew up he was going to turn into a monster and kill me, found a fun game which included running from one side of the room to where I was sitting and jumping on me (and recruiting the rest of his cousins in the game) but then he told me that because it was his game he makes up the rules and so he had to sit next to me, told my sister she kisses her brother and my favourite told my dad to go home and lay and egg and throw it at his mother which was followed by him pretending to be a chicken for at least 3 minutes
-had the BEST shopping day ever - $500 worth of stuff for $190
-my boss has been in a good mood all week which make life so much easier
-got to see my favourite friends that I've known since I was 15 ( althought that meant I had to work two 12 hour shifts in a 48 hour period with NO SLEEP AT ALL)
-yesterday, for the first time in a long time I had a break at work..... Super!

probably alot of other things have happened but I can't remember and this is already a very long post


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