Tuesday, July 18, 2006

I Don't Understand People

I don't eat meat (this means no chicken or fish) and generally refrain from eating anything that you have to kill and animal to get, or harm an animal for (incl. cosmetics, drugs, clothes etc...). I'm not a crazy trying to change everyone into a vego sort of vegetarian, I understand that people like to eat certain things and that things need to be killed and that generally its not a pretty thing. That being said.............

the other day at work they were cooking lobster - not in the pastry kitchen, my kitchen is next to hot banquets kitchen - and I didn't see the whole process but what I did see was this, a (what I thought was cooked) lobster which was brought to my attention by other people saying "Look it's still alive". I though they were talking shit as people often do to me and I don't know why, anyway I look over, see the lobster, not moving, figure they're bullshitting and turn back to what I was doing. For some stupid reason I turned to look at it again just to make sure it was dead, and I was just in time to see them shoving it back into the oven AND IT WAS STILL MOVING.
As I said before I know that these things have to happen, that animals people eat don't die of natural causes etc... but here is my problem. It was a big spectacle and the people watching were laughing at it. Is this how normal (non-vegetarians) are like? or am I just really over-sensitive?

When I see something like this or if I read a story about animal cruelty ( like Churchill - the cat that was kicked, punched, set on fire, strung up, had its throat slit and was skinned alive amongst other things in the name of art) it makes me feel physically ill, I put myself in their position and I feel everything that they went through, mainly being confusion. I can see every sickening detail down to the tiniest thing, feel the confusion and the hurt, see the sick bastard that is doing it to them, and these images replay over and over in my head. It's not like a hear of these things and think " I wonder what that would be like" I just can't stop the images in my head and it's a hell of a thing to take on board. My head is full of these 'incidents' (the way that sharks are killed, the way most animals are slaughtered, the night that my cat died and the story of Churchill to name only a few of the many).

My point is this, I don't understand how 'normal' people (not murderers or mentaly ill or any other person like that) can find the pain and suffering of another creature to be an amusing thing or something that is not worth even a little remorse or a feeling of sadness.

I know that everybody doesn't react to these things the same way I do, which is a good thing but maybe if they did alot of this stupid shit wouldn't happen.


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